Oxfam at FSU holds a banquet and feeds students according to their assigned
social class.
The Hunger Event, described as an awareness event by President
Nick Russell, is unique because Oxfam will engage the attendees to teach
them about world hunger and its effects on the global community.
The event is set for Nov. 15 at 7 pm in the University Ballroom and is open to all those
who are interested.
“Upon the beginning of the event, we assign everyone an economic
class: lower, middle or upper …,” Russell said. “The idea is that we will have
a dessert banquet, but what you get and your accommodations at the event
has everything to do with your social class.”
Sponsors are Oxfam, Habitat for Humanity, Kauz4unity and Alternative Break Corps.
Staying true to its creed, “think globally, act locally,” Oxfam recently sent volunteers to help the Big Bend Homeless coalition. Oxfam volunteers also go to the HOPE community, a transitional housing project, every Monday and Thursday from 6 – 7:30 pm. The volunteers play games with the students, read to them and help them with their homework.

Oxfam at FSU is part of Oxfam America. The parent organization has helped victims of the floods in Senegal, Gambia and Pakistan and seeks, according to its mission statement, to create lasting solutions to poverty, hunger and social injustice.
To learn more about Oxfam at FSU and a chance to volunteer your services, visit their Facebook page, Oxfam @FSU.