Gregory Krause, Criminal Justice

“I am 22 and I got my tattoo when I was 18. Some people get “trust” rings. I got my girlfriend one and she got me a tattoo in the shape of a band. Since I’m still with my same girlfriend, I’m very happy about it.”
Anthony Finn, Business, Finance, and Management

“I got it freshman year of college when I was 18. My tattoo is a quote from my favorite book, which is The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli, and it says ‘The ends justify the means.” I got it because it’s my life philosophy and I wanted to see it every morning when I look in the mirror but the artist wouldn’t do it backwards.”
Chelsea Trickel, Hospitality Management

“I had this tattoo done two years ago. I drew it myself and my dad came with me to get it. I still love it and it means a lot to me. It means trust and never ending life.”
Rebecca Gause, Communication Disorders

“I got my first tattoo two weeks ago for my 21 birthday. It’s a lily and I got it in memory of my sister who passed away because it was her favorite flower. I love it.”
Nesha, Biology

“I got this when I was a freshman and now I sort of regret it. I just got it because I was 18 and could get a tattoo. I didn’t really think about it.”
Samantha Siegel, Communication Disorders

“I got this when I was a freshman and my friends and I just wanted to do a cool college thing. I still love it but my family hates it.”
Charles Beckford, Marketing

“I had the black one done in 2005 and the red one in 2006. The black one doesn’t mean anything but the red one says ‘The voice of compassion is in all enlightened beings.’ I liked it because in Hindu religion they start and end all prayers with that. I still love them because, even though no one usually notices, I always have them for me.”
Cecily Armengol, Psychology and Pre-Med

“I did this about two years ago. It’s an infinity symbol; to me it means infinite possibilities. I still love it.”
Cybill Shaffer, Editing, Writing, and Media

“I got my tattoo January of 2010. My reasoning for getting it (other than the fact that I love the Lion King) is because I have a tendency to get stressed out. Hakuna Matata means “no worries” so it helps to calm me down. I love it.
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