Every fall Florida State is flooded with a fresh new crop of bright-eyed young minds eager to escape the clutches of their parents and begin their collegiate career.
After taking the time to get to know some of our new ‘Noles and learn about their reasoning for choosing FSU over schools like the University of Florida and the University of Central Florida, it seems that our campus is one major attraction.
Yanelle Suarez, a freshman and Biological Science major, said that the campus was a big reason she chose FSU. “It’s really pretty here. Plus we have a circus.”
Suarez isn’t the only freshman who was influenced by the splendor of our campus. “What attracted me to FSU was the campus,” Zoe Warpinski-Bitting said, “and they have a really good science program which is good because I hope to be a pediatrician.”
Warpinski-Bitting, a Jacksonville native and a Biological Science major, is one of the many freshmen living in a dormitory and so far she is enjoying herself. “I’m in Broward Hall, and I really love my roommate. There haven’t been any problems. She’s really cool.”
A lot of prospective students of Florida State make the journey to Tallahassee before they are admitted to try to get a feel for the university and end up liking what they see with the school and the city. Dillon Mattingly, a Tampa local, is one of these students.
“I came up and visited the campus and just fell in love with it.” Mattingly is one of the few not taking residence in the dorms his first semester. “I’m staying in Boardwalk; I actually got lucky with my roommate. We went to the same high school.”
Mattingly is a mathematics major with big aspirations for his future. “I’m planning on trying to get into the CIA.”
From future doctors to future CIA operatives, FSU’s new ‘Noles are sure not to disappoint the proud tradition of this university.
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