Friday, October 22, 2010

Homecoming 2010

FSU Homecoming 2010, “United Now, United Then,” runs from Oct. 30 - Nov. 6, a celebration that includes the annual Homecoming concert, Warchant, a Pow Wow pep rally, a featured comedian and the football game.Before the events end, the FSU and Tallahassee community will have gathered for a number of events designed to boost school spirit far beyond the football field.

Diverse campus groups will come together to celebrate the university’s strength and heritage and to renew traditions.

The celebration kicks off with the Warchant concert on Langford Green featuring Ludacris. Warchant includes the free concert and free food. Warchant allows students to give back to the community by helping feed the needy by donating can food to the Second Harvest food bank.

Each student is encouraged to donate two can good items in lieu of a fee to the concert.
A fashion show, parade, tailgate parties and chief and princess elections are part of the weeklong gathering that involves much of the campus. For more information, visit

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