Friday, October 22, 2010

DREAM Autism Ball

By Kestrel Ambrose

People with autism and related disabilities will benefit from DREAM’s efforts this year. Each semester DREAM, a student organization founded at FSU in 2006, raises money to donate to charity while bringing together students of diverse backgrounds for its cause. DREAM has raised more than $3,000 for charity and other causes.

DREAM will host its Second Annual Ball for Charity on Oct. 29 from 6:30 pm – 10 pm in Student Services Building 203.

“Each year, DREAM picks one social cause that it will raise money for and donate its time toward,” said Shayeon Hawkins, DREAM’s president.

Last year the ball was held in honor of the Boys and Girls Club of the Big Bend.

“We raise funds by collecting donations from local businesses and student groups,” said Terrance Admore ( “DREAM will also conduct fundraising events on and off campus such as doing concessions during football games.”

This year proceeds from the ball will go toward the FSU Center for Autism and Related Disabilities, CARD, a state-funded agency that serves people with autism and related disabilities and their families. The center (, 644-4367) provides support and assistance with the goal of optimizing the potential of people with autism and related disabilities.

“Money raised from the ball will aid CARD in initiatives such as research, providing training for parents, teachers and other professionals as well as community outreach,” Admore said.

DREAM asks that each student organization purchase a table for $40. Each organization table seats six people. Additional members and other students can purchase individual tickets for $10.

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