Friday, October 22, 2010

Attack of the YETI!

By Mae Brown

If you are interested in discovering a new and unique perspective, then check out the YETI. The YETI is a self-proclaimed “progressive, independent, and alternative community magazine.”

It approaches topics such as news, culture and campus life from a lighter, humor-driven perspective. It strives to keep its readers well informed, while aiming to fill the void left by commercial media outlets.

The YETI’s main goal is to provide the university and its peers with topics that impact the community. According to the group’s mission statement, they “strive to spark a dialogue between students and community members, in hopes that an educated exchange of information will motivate Tallahassee residents to be aware and active members of society.”

The editor-in-chief, Morgan Kayser, said the YETI “offers a voice to the underrepresented students and opinions on campus.” Think of them as your source for local and “grassroots” issues that often go unreported in other forms of commercial media.

“I love our unique perspective,” Kayser said, “and I love the fact that we’re not afraid to say anything!”

Kayser is excited for the start of the new school year. “I am working on really polishing our writing and design,” she said.

Visit to read up on the current happenings and get a taste of the YETI.

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